I am who I am...I am PuTrI...

I'm 29, I like 7, stars, and the power of words...

Friday, June 25, 2004

hEPpiE Bday SwThRt..

Hepie Bersdey...You know I love You...

Thursday, June 24, 2004

He was gone :'(

Last 22 June..it was his 37th Bday..and also his last time in this earth..I knew him since 2 years ago..not so much memory in my head..but he leaved so muuuch memories in my heart..selamat jalan Mas..

Monday, June 21, 2004


I just start my new life..hmmm..pretty fine :D

Sunday, June 20, 2004


To my very best buddy..Emang yaa,perjalanan gue baru bgt dimulai..inget gak 2 org yg selalu berhasil bikin gue 'down' it's happened again..selama ini gue udah ngurangin tempat curhat gue,tp ternyata lagi2 'too much'..Pjlnan gue smakin lama smakin hurt me ya??Apa lg sensitive aja ???I know I can be a nice friend, right?

Saturday, June 19, 2004


Apa yang terjadi beberapa hari belakangan ini emang terlihat sangat terburu-buru..Tapi apapun itu selalu ada hikmahnya:D Today I've got a great phone call, I've got this job:D Thanks GOD, I really appreciate it..
I'll do my best for my life...of course

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


I never expect this is happened to you...I just enjoyed what I have right now,dont expect too much from me..I'm independent and somebody else's gf...:))) I know its sounds stupid, but this is me..
Just be your self and always bright your own life by giving smiles and greetings....MORNING !!!

What's wrong with me???

GUBRAAAK....untuk yang kesekian kalinya ini terjadi....this's for real...harus seneng atau enggak...membingungkan...I really enjoyed what I have had but truly..Will it stop?How?When?Do I want it's stop?Am I deserve it, got many loves from people??I think what DL said about 'too much' just happened to me....

Generally speaking, once you're already in a difficult situation, it isn't possible to change your attidue simply by adopting a particular thought once or twice. Rather it's a process of learning, training and getting used to new viewpoints that enables you to deal with the difficulty.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Selamat bahagia kasih, menempuh hidup baru...bahagia engkau bersamaNya, bahagia..slamanya...
Kemaren malem, mungkin akan jadi hari yang gak pernah dilupain sama one of my ex housemate..her beloved mom was passed away...
Our prays will accompany her to her last destination...be tough and believe we will always be with u friend....

Saturday, June 12, 2004


Many things happened in this week,I had my tests, I had my work, I met a friend and talked about 'him' out there and I still have the same feeling I have before..I called some friends in Holland,and it's a very nice to hear their voices again, remembering all the occasions which were very meaningful for us.
It is a very busy week I have had since my arrival.

We don't need more money, we dont need greater success or fame, we don't need the perfect body or even the perfect mate--right now, at this very moment, we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need to achieve complete HAPPINESS....

Friday, June 04, 2004

Jumat ini

Hmmmm....hari ini kenapa cape banget yaa?
Generally speaking, once you're already in a diffucult situation, it isn't possible to change your attitude simply by adopting a particular thought once or twice. Rather it's a process of learning, training and getting used to new viewpoints that enables you to deal with the difficulty.

Untuk pertama kalinya gue berada diposisi yg membingungkan tp gue cukup tenang ngadepinnya, hmm..ini proses kedewasaan kali yaa..Amin...mudah2an gue bisa menjadi manusia yg lebih baik....(hihihihihihi...ini isi diary gue dari dulu:D)

Thursday, June 03, 2004


You opened the door of my heart and filled it with the pain of love.
Shaken, I ran to seek comfort from others, but they did not respond to my lament.
Alone and desperate, I beg You, do not forsake me now.

Ketemu temen lama itu emang selalu menyenangkan yaa...apalagi dimasa lalu kita punya nasib yang sama en kita sama2 nikmatin masa2 itu...Thanks for today guys...it's very nice time since we're finished high school..

And for the guy out there...when will u missed me again?I missed u already..isnt it 'too much'??? :D

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Ini baru banget,kyknya jadi tempat curhat baru deh buat gue, en gue gak perlu kirim email2 ketemen2 gue utk curhat, tinggal gue kasih alamat ini aja, seluruh dunia langsung tau :D